
Terma & Syarat

Setelah pembayaran dibuat kepada kami, anda secara lansungnya terikat dengan semua terma dan syarat yang ditetapkan oleh pihak Faraain23.

Urusan dan Invois

  1. Invois ini juga berperanan sebagai Sebut Harga.
  2. Phone call dan voice recording tidak akan dilayan. Kami utamakan ketepatan dalam merekod informasi daripada anda, jadi segala urusan mesti dilakukan secara bertaip (whatsapp/FB pm/ email) bagi memudahkan kami merujuk, serta elakkan salah faham dari kedua-dua pihak.
  3. Invoice ini sah untuk jangka masa satu minggu bermula dari tarikh ianya dikeluarkan.
  4. Harga tertakluk kepada perubahan pada masa akan datang

Design Urgent (segera)

  1. Projek yang diperlukan dengan kadar segera (urgent) akan disiapkan pada hari yang sama atau keesokan harinya (bergantung kepada jumlah/jenis design) , tetapi harga akan digandakan sebanyak dua/tiga kali ganda (Jika harga design biasa RM100, harga Urgent adalah RM300). Namun ini bergantung kepada kekosongan slot.


  1. Kami tidak menawarkan servis menaip (typing)
  2. Semua perkataan WAJIB diberikan dalam format yang boleh di-copy oleh designer (email, whatsapp, facebook) , untuk mengelakkan KESALAHAN EJAAN yang akan membazirkan masa dan kos anda.
  3. Kami tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap segala kesalahan ejaan, tatabahasa yang terdapat di dalam material yang diberikan kepada kami

Waktu Operasi dan Tempoh Projek

  1. Faraain23 tidak beroperasi pada hari SABTU DAN AHAD. Kami tetap mengambil pesanan pada cuti hujung minggu tetapi segala urusan designing/revision hanya akan dilakukan pada hari berkerja ( ISNIN- JUMAAT)
  2. Projek anda akan disiapkan dalam masa 3 hingga 10 HARI BERKERJA setelah material diberi, mengikut jumlah design.
  3. Jika pihak kami gagal menyiapkan projek anda dalam masa 30 hari (setelah material dan payment diberi), anda berhak menamatkan kontrak dan mendapatkan baki ganti rugi (untuk projek  yang tidak siap).
  4. DEPOSIT DAN PEMBAYARAN tidak akan dikembalikan jika anda gagal memberikan info dan material seperti yang diminta.

Pembetulan dan Pengubahan

  1. Segala Pembetulan percuma hanya akan diberi dalam tempoh 7 hari setelah design ditunjukkan kepada client.
  2. Percuma 3 kali pembetulan kecil untuk setiap projek fresh (1 Kali untuk premade) . Caj pembetulan sebanyak RM50  (RM100 untuk company profile) dikenakan untuk setiap pembetulan tambahan.

File, perisian, PSD/ Ai

  1. Design/Video anda yang siap akan akan diemail dalam format file JPEG/PNG /MP4 (mengikut jenis projek)
  2. Semua proses design kami dibuat dengan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop. Kami tak mempunyai file AI.
  3. File PSD (rasterized) dan sourcefiles yang dibeli akan diemelkan bersama final artwork.
  4. File PSD (100% layered) hanya dijual pada harga RM20/file
  5. File PSD akan disimpan selama 6 bulan, sebelum dilupuskan. Begitu juga file di Emel anda, link hanya aktif selama 6 bulan sahaja. Jadi SILA DOWNLOAD FILE ANDA. Anda mungkin akan dikenakan charge tambahan untuk request file anda selepas tempoh 6 bulan.

Hak Milik dan Copyright

  1. Sebelum projek di dimuktamadkan, semua design-design yang dihasilkan adalah hak milik Faraain23.
  2. Setelah dimuktamatkan, design dan sourcefiles adalah hak milik client.(kecuali premade).
  3. Preview design yang telah siap berpotensi untuk dimuat naik di Website Faraain23, Facebook, Instagram, Behance, Deviant Art, untuk tujuan portfolio dan promosi.

Servis selepas jualan / Aftersale Service

  1. Segala servis after sale / selepas projek anda siap sepenuhnya tertakluk kepada kekosongan dalam slot kami.
  2. Pembelian file PSD / updating design lama adalah tertakluk kepada kekosongan dalam slot kami.
  3. Jika anda pernah melanggar atau cuba memanipulasi mana-mana klausa kontrak  projek sebelum ini, kami berhak untuk tidak menawarkan aftersale service kepada anda.
  4. Faraain23 berhak memilih client untuk ditawarkan servis.

Terms & Conditions

Once payment is made to us, you are immediately bound by all the terms and conditions set by Faraain23.

Transactions and Invoices

  1. This invoice also acts as a Quotation.
  2. Phone calls and voice recordings will not be accepted. We prioritize accuracy in recording information from you, so all matters must be done in type (whatsapp/FB pm/ email) to make it easier for us to refer, as well as avoid misunderstandings from both parties.
  3. This invoice is valid for a period of one week starting from the date it is issued.
  4. Prices are subject to change in the future


Design Urgent (immediate)

  1. Urgent projects will be completed on the same day or the next day (depending on the amount/type of design), but the price will be doubled/tripled (If the normal design price is RM100, the Urgent price is RM300). But this depends on the slot availability.

Work scope. (DESIGN ONLY)

  1. We do not offer typing services.
  2. All words MUST be given in a format that can be copied by the designer (email, whatsapp, facebook), to avoid SPELLING ERRORS that will waste your time and costs.
  3. We are not responsible for any spelling or grammar errors found in the material provided to us

Operation Hours and Project Duration

  1. Faraain23 does not operate on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. We still take orders on weekends but all designing/revision matters will only be done on working days (MONDAY-FRIDAY)
  2. Your project will be completed within 3 to 10 WORKING DAYS after the materials are given, according to the design amount.
  3. If our side fails to complete your project within 30 days (after materials and payment are given), you have the right to terminate the contract and obtain the remaining damages (for projects that are not completed).
  4. DEPOSIT AND PAYMENT will not be returned if you fail to provide information and materials as requested.

Corrections and Alterations

  1. All free corrections will only be given within 7 days after the design is shown to the client.
  2. Free 3 small corrections for each fresh project (1 time for premade). A correction charge of RM50 (RM100 for company profile) is charged for each additional correction.

Files, software, PSD/ Ai

  1. Your finished design/video will be emailed in JPEG/PNG/MP4 file format (according to the type of project)
  2. All of our design processes are made using Adobe Photoshop. We do not have AI files.
  3. PSD files (rasterized) and purchased source files will be emailed with the final artwork.
  4. PSD files (100% layered) are only sold at the price of RM20/file
  5. PSD files will be stored for 6 months, before being disposed of. As well as the file in your email, the link is only active for 6 months. So PLEASE DOWNLOAD YOUR FILE. You may be charged an additional charge for your file request after a period of 6 months.

Ownership and Copyright

  1. Before the project is finalized, all designs produced are the property of Faraain23.
  2. Once finalised, the design and source files are the property of the client. (except premade).
  3. The completed design preview has the potential to be uploaded on the Faraain23 Website, Facebook, Instagram, Behance, Deviant Art, for portfolio and promotional purposes.

Service after sales / Aftersale Service

  1. All after sale services / after your project is fully completed are subject to vacancies in our slots.
  2. Purchasing PSD files / updating old designs is subject to availability in our slots.
  3. If you have violated or tried to manipulate any clause of the project contract before, we reserve the right not to offer you aftersale service.
  4. Faraain23 has the right to choose clients to be offered services.
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